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2 Week Vegetarian Keto Diet Plan

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I've been working hard over the last few months so that I can finally put together a vegetarian keto diet plan! Meeting the macronutrient targets proved to be a real challenge. Although there are several vegetarian keto recipes on my blog, not all are sufficient in protein.

How Do I Get Enough Protein on a Vegetarian Keto Diet Plan?

Unless you eat eggs and/or dairy, it's difficult to meet your daily protein requirements on a vegetarian keto diet plan. Do not underestimate the importance of sufficient protein - it's as important as your carb intake. Insufficient protein will result in muscle loss, you will burn less calories at rest and feel more hungry.

Although fat makes a low-carb diet filling, studies show that protein is the most sating macronutrient by far. A common mistake for low-carbers is that they eat less protein in fear that they will go out of ketosis (as a result of gluconeogenesis). However, the truth is that you'd have to eat significantly more protein consistently to disrupt ketosis.

Finally, your daily protein requirements will vary based on your activity and lifestyle - make sure you know your ideal "average" protein intake.

No diet plan fits all and you may need to make small adjustments to fit your needs. You can find even more diet plans here. To get all 3 free diet plans, you can simply subscribe to our newsletter - it's free and we will never sell your e-mail address!

Do I need the KetoDiet App to Use the Diet Plans?

Note that you don't need to have my app to follow any of my diet plans and challenges. If you use the KetoDiet App, you can add these meals individually directly from my blog to the Planner. If you don't have an iOS or Android device, you can print or save this diet plan on your computer.

Does the KetoDiet App Include Diet Plans?

Our diet plans are not and were not meant to be part of the KetoDiet App - these are freely available on our website for everyone to download (no app purchase is required to use them). They’re a bonus content that can be added to the Planner but they are not part of the app.

You don’t have to add them by ingredients but you can use the following trick:

  • Go to the KetoDiet Blog section in the app.
  • Find the meals that are included in the diet plan you wish to follow (using the search tool).
  • Add them to the Planner ("plus" button on top of each post).
  • Create the diet plan in the Planner.

(The same rule applies to both our free and premium diet plans). Adding diet plans with a single tap is in our to-do list and will be part of an upcoming update: KetoDiet App FAQ

2 Week Vegetarian Keto Diet Plan

2 Week Vegetarian Keto Diet Plan

Disclaimer: You should consult any dietary change with a professional, especially if you have a health condition such as diabetes or heart disease. There may need to be an adjustment to the medication you are taking.

Tips before you get started

  1. Feel free to swap lunch for dinner, breakfast for lunch, etc. in the same day. You can also swap whole days if you like. If you don't like certain ingredients, have a look at the suggested substitutions.

  2. If you only cook for yourself, freeze or refrigerate the remaining servings or halve the recipes if needed (e.g. freeze half of the Vegetarian Keto Lasagna for next week - see the meal plan).

  3. Prepare the keto buns in advance (you can make the full recipe of 10). Freeze to keep fresh and defrost at room temperature the night before or in the oven just before serving.

  4. Have some hard-boiled eggs in the fridge ready to be used in recipes or for snacking. You shouldn't need any snacks between the meals but if you do, make sure you have some keto-friendly snacks at hand (eggs, cheese, nuts, etc). Here is a list of snacks you can try and here is a complete keto diet food list.

  5. Very low-carb diets (below 30 grams of net carbs) are often deficient in magnesium. I recommend you take magnesium supplements or add snacks high in magnesium such as nuts. Also, if you get any symptoms of "keto-flu", make sure you eat additional sodium (I use pink Himalayan salt.)

  6. This diet plan may not be suitable for everyone. You may have to make small adjustments. If you need to have less protein, reduce the portions of dairy and eggs. Don't worry about small excess of protein, it will not kick you out of ketosis. In fact, protein will keep hunger at bay. If you need to add more fat (or less), focus on added oils and fatty foods when making your adjustments. You can find your ideal macros using KetoDiet Buddy. If you need to add snacks and more food to serve with the meals, have a look at this list.

  7. Some recipes are higher in total carbs & fibre. If you fear that fibre will impair your weight loss, have a look at my post here: Total Carbs or Net Carbs: What Really Counts? Fibre can, in fact, help you lose weight. Body responses vary and you will need to try what works best for you.

  8. Lastly, if you don't feel hungry, don't eat, even if it means you will skip a meal.

Also see more diet plans here ("regular" ketogenic diet plan, keto & paleo diet plan and diet plan for the fat fast.)

If you use the KetoDiet iPad App, you can add these meals directly from my blog to the planner. If you don't have an iPad, iPhone or an Android device, just print this plan out.

2 Week Vegetarian Keto Diet Plan

Note that the nutrition facts of this meal plan do not include extra snacks. As individual requirements vary, you can add healthy snacks from this list to sate your appetite. In simple words, if you feel hungry, add fat and protein-based meals or snacks!

Day 1


2 Week Vegetarian Keto Diet Plan

Chocolate Keto Smoothie (recipe is here)

Total carbs: 6.2 g, Fiber: 1.8 g, Net carbs: 4.4 g, Protein: 34.5 g, Fat: 46 g, Calories: 570 kcal, Magnesium: 45 mg (11 % RDA), Potassium: 560 mg (28 % EMR)


2 Week Vegetarian Keto Diet Plan

Egg Stuffed Avocado (recipe is here)

Total carbs: 15.3 g, Fiber: 10.6 g, Net carbs: 4.8 g, Protein: 16.5 g, Fat: 56.8 g, Calories: 616 kcal, Magnesium: 63 mg (16 % RDA), Potassium: 959 mg (48 % EMR)


2 Week Vegetarian Keto Diet Plan

3 Pesto Egg Muffins (recipe is here)

Total carbs: 5.5 g, Fiber: 2.1 g, Net carbs: 3.5 g, Protein: 20.6 g, Fat: 30.6 g, Calories: 375 kcal, Magnesium: 56 mg (14 % RDA), Potassium: 418 mg (21 % EMR)

Total daily values: Total carbs: 27.1 g, Fiber: 14.4 g, Net carbs: 12.6 g, Protein: 71.5 g, Fat: 133 g, Calories: 1563 kcal, Magnesium: 164 mg (41 % RDA), Potassium: 1938 mg (97 % EMR), Keto ratio (carbs : protein : fat) is 3 : 19 : 78
For recommended snacks and extras, see this list at the end of the diet plan.

Day 2


2 Week Vegetarian Keto Diet Plan

Perfect Spinach & Feta Omelet (recipe is here)

Total carbs: 9.7 g, Fiber: 2.8 g, Net carbs: 7 g, Protein: 30.9 g, Fat: 55.5 g, Calories: 659 kcal, Magnesium: 107 mg (27 % RDA), Potassium: 997 mg (50 % EMR)


2 Week Vegetarian Keto Diet Plan

2 Pesto Egg Muffins (recipe is here)

Total carbs: 3.7 g, Fiber: 1.4 g, Net carbs: 2.3 g, Protein: 13.7 g, Fat: 20.4 g, Calories: 250 kcal, Magnesium: 38 mg (9 % RDA), Potassium: 278 mg (14 % EMR)

serve with Big Green Salad: 4 cups mixed greens (120 g / 4.2 oz) - lettuce, rocket, spinach, etc. of choice mixed with 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil, 1-2 tbsp lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste.

Total carbs: 4.4 g, Fiber: 1.4 g, Net carbs: 2.9 g, Protein: 1.7 g, Fat: 13.8 g, Calories: 140 kcal, Magnesium: 18 mg (5 % RDA), Potassium: 316 mg (16 % EMR)


2 Week Vegetarian Keto Diet Plan

Classic Tricolore Salad (recipe is here)

Total carbs: 17.7 g, Fiber: 9 g, Net carbs: 8.6 g, Protein: 19.2 g, Fat: 50.7 g, Calories: 581 kcal, Magnesium: 70 mg (18 % RDA), Potassium: 942 mg (47 % EMR)

Total daily values: Total carbs: 35.5 g, Fiber: 14.6 g, Net carbs: 20.9 g, Protein: 65.5 g, Fat: 140 g, Calories: 1631 kcal, Magnesium: 232 mg (58 % RDA), Potassium: 2534 mg (126 % EMR), Keto ratio (carbs : protein : fat) is 5 : 16 : 79
For recommended snacks and extras, see this list at the end of the diet plan.

Day 3


2 Week Vegetarian Keto Diet Plan

Vanilla Keto Smoothie (recipe is here)

Total carbs: 5.6 g, Fiber: 0.5 g, Net carbs: 5.1 g, Protein: 34.6 g, Fat: 45.2 g, Calories: 566 kcal, Magnesium: 26 mg (6 % RDA), Potassium: 598 mg (30 % EMR)


2 Week Vegetarian Keto Diet Plan

Classic Tricolore Salad (recipe is here)

Total carbs: 17.7 g, Fiber: 9 g, Net carbs: 8.6 g, Protein: 19.2 g, Fat: 50.7 g, Calories: 581 kcal, Magnesium: 70 mg (18 % RDA), Potassium: 942 mg (47 % EMR)


2 Week Vegetarian Keto Diet Plan

3 Pesto Egg Muffins (recipe is here)

Total carbs: 5.5 g, Fiber: 2.1 g, Net carbs: 3.5 g, Protein: 20.6 g, Fat: 30.6 g, Calories: 375 kcal, Magnesium: 56 mg (14 % RDA), Potassium: 418 mg (21 % EMR)

Total daily values: Total carbs: 28.3 g, Fiber: 11.1 g, Net carbs: 17.2 g, Protein: 74.4 g, Fat: 126 g, Calories: 1523 kcal, Magnesium: 152 mg (38 % RDA), Potassium: 1959 mg (98 % EMR), Keto ratio (carbs : protein : fat) is 6 : 20 : 76
For recommended snacks and extras, see this list at the end of the diet plan.

Day 4


2 Week Vegetarian Keto Diet Plan

Perfect Spinach & Feta Omelet (recipe is here)

Total carbs: 9.7 g, Fiber: 2.8 g, Net carbs: 7 g, Protein: 30.9 g, Fat: 55.5 g, Calories: 659 kcal, Magnesium: 107 mg (27 % RDA), Potassium: 997 mg (50 % EMR)


2 Week Vegetarian Keto Diet Plan

2 Pesto Egg Muffins (recipe is here)

Total carbs: 3.7 g, Fiber: 1.4 g, Net carbs: 2.3 g, Protein: 13.7 g, Fat: 20.4 g, Calories: 250 kcal, Magnesium: 38 mg (9 % RDA), Potassium: 278 mg (14 % EMR)


2 Week Vegetarian Keto Diet Plan

2 servings Authentic Greek Salad (recipe is here)

Total carbs: 22.5 g, Fiber: 6.6 g, Net carbs: 15.9 g, Protein: 18.7 g, Fat: 55.5 g, Calories: 647 kcal, Magnesium: 74 mg (19 % RDA), Potassium: 908 mg (45 % EMR)

Total daily values: Total carbs: 35.9 g, Fiber: 10.8 g, Net carbs: 25.2 g, Protein: 63.3 g, Fat: 131 g, Calories: 1557 kcal, Magnesium: 219 mg (55 % RDA), Potassium: 2184 mg (109 % EMR), Keto ratio (carbs : protein : fat) is 7 : 16 : 77
For recommended snacks and extras, see this list at the end of the diet plan.

Day 5


2 Week Vegetarian Keto Diet Plan

Chocolate Keto Smoothie (recipe is here)

Total carbs: 6.2 g, Fiber: 2.8 g, Net carbs: 4.4 g, Protein: 34.5 g, Fat: 46 g, Calories: 570 kcal, Magnesium: 45 mg (11 % RDA), Potassium: 560 mg (28 % EMR)


2 Week Vegetarian Keto Diet Plan

Easy Avocado & Egg Salad (recipe is here)

Total carbs: 13.7 g, Fiber: 7.6 g, Net carbs: 6.1 g, Protein: 17 g, Fat: 36.3 g, Calories: 436 kcal, Magnesium: 60 mg (15 % RDA), Potassium: 875 mg (44 % EMR)


2 Week Vegetarian Keto Diet Plan

Vegetarian Keto Lasagna (recipe is here)

Total carbs: 14.1 g, Fiber: 5.4 g, Net carbs: 8.7 g, Protein: 20.8 g, Fat: 38 g, Calories: 474 kcal, Magnesium: 81 mg (20 % RDA), Potassium: 752 mg (38 % EMR)

serve with Big Green Salad: 4 cups mixed greens (120 g / 4.2 oz) - lettuce, rocket, spinach, etc. of choice mixed with 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil, 1-2 tbsp lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste.

Total carbs: 4.4 g, Fiber: 1.4 g, Net carbs: 2.9 g, Protein: 1.7 g, Fat: 13.8 g, Calories: 140 kcal, Magnesium: 18 mg (5 % RDA), Potassium: 316 mg (16 % EMR)

Total daily values: Total carbs: 38.3 g, Fiber: 16.2 g, Net carbs: 22.1 g, Protein: 73.9 g, Fat: 134 g, Calories: 1621 kcal, Magnesium: 203 mg (51 % RDA), Potassium: 2505 mg (125 % EMR), Keto ratio (carbs : protein : fat) is 5 : 19 : 76
For recommended snacks and extras, see this list at the end of the diet plan.

Day 6


2 Week Vegetarian Keto Diet Plan

Quick Frittata with Tomatoes and Cheese (recipe is here)

Total carbs: 7.4 g, Fiber: 1.2 g, Net carbs: 6.2 g, Protein: 26.7 g, Fat: 32.6 g, Calories: 435 kcal, Magnesium: 32 mg (8 % RDA), Potassium: 414 mg (21 % EMR)


2 Week Vegetarian Keto Diet Plan

Vegetarian Keto Lasagna (recipe is here)

Total carbs: 14.1 g, Fiber: 5.4 g, Net carbs: 8.7 g, Protein: 20.8 g, Fat: 38 g, Calories: 474 kcal, Magnesium: 81 mg (20 % RDA), Potassium: 752 mg (38 % EMR)


2 Week Vegetarian Keto Diet Plan

Vegetarian Keto Burger (recipe is here)

Total carbs: 18.8 g, Fiber: 10.1 g, Net carbs: 8.7 g, Protein: 23.7 g, Fat: 55.1 g, Calories: 637 kcal, Magnesium: 116 mg (29 % RDA), Potassium: 874 mg (44 % EMR)

Total daily values: Total carbs: 40.3 g, Fiber: 16.7 g, Net carbs: 23.6 g, Protein: 71.3 g, Fat: 125 g, Calories: 1547 kcal, Magnesium: 229 mg (57 % RDA), Potassium: 2040 mg (102 % EMR), Keto ratio (carbs : protein : fat) is 6 : 19 : 75
For recommended snacks and extras, see this list at the end of the diet plan.

Day 7


2 Week Vegetarian Keto Diet Plan

Quick Frittata with Tomatoes and Cheese (recipe is here)

Total carbs: 7.4 g, Fiber: 1.2 g, Net carbs: 6.2 g, Protein: 26.7 g, Fat: 32.6 g, Calories: 435 kcal, Magnesium: 32 mg (8 % RDA), Potassium: 414 mg (21 % EMR)


2 Week Vegetarian Keto Diet Plan

Vegetarian Keto Burger (recipe is here)

Total carbs: 18.8 g, Fiber: 10.1 g, Net carbs: 8.7 g, Protein: 23.7 g, Fat: 55.1 g, Calories: 637 kcal, Magnesium: 116 mg (29 % RDA), Potassium: 874 mg (44 % EMR)


2 Week Vegetarian Keto Diet Plan

Vegetarian Keto Lasagna (recipe is here)

Total carbs: 14.1 g, Fiber: 5.4 g, Net carbs: 8.7 g, Protein: 20.8 g, Fat: 38 g, Calories: 474 kcal, Magnesium: 81 mg (20 % RDA), Potassium: 752 mg (38 % EMR)

Total daily values: Total carbs: 40.3 g, Fiber: 16.7 g, Net carbs: 23.6 g, Protein: 71.3 g, Fat: 125 g, Calories: 1547 kcal, Magnesium: 229 mg (57 % RDA), Potassium: 2040 mg (102 % EMR), Keto ratio (carbs : protein : fat) is 6 : 19 : 75
For recommended snacks and extras, see this list at the end of the diet plan.

Day 8


2 Week Vegetarian Keto Diet Plan

Vanilla Keto Smoothie (recipe is here)

Total carbs: 5.6 g, Fiber: 0.5 g, Net carbs: 5.1 g, Protein: 34.6 g, Fat: 45.2 g, Calories: 566 kcal, Magnesium: 26 mg (6 % RDA), Potassium: 598 mg (30 % EMR)


2 Week Vegetarian Keto Diet Plan

Egg Stuffed Avocado (recipe is here)

Total carbs: 15.3 g, Fiber: 10.6 g, Net carbs: 4.8 g, Protein: 16.5 g, Fat: 56.8 g, Calories: 616 kcal, Magnesium: 63 mg (16 % RDA), Potassium: 959 mg (48 % EMR)


2 Week Vegetarian Keto Diet Plan

Cheesy Low-carb "Risotto" (recipe is here)

Total carbs: 11.6 g, Fiber: 4 g, Net carbs: 7.6 g, Protein: 17.4 g, Fat: 28.8 g, Calories: 366 kcal, Magnesium: 48 mg (12 % RDA), Potassium: 682 mg (34 % EMR)

Total daily values: Total carbs: 32 g, Fiber: 14.6 g, Net carbs: 17.4 g, Protein: 68.5 g, Fat: 130 g, Calories: 1550 kcal, Magnesium: 136 mg (34 % RDA), Potassium: 2240 mg (112 % EMR), Keto ratio (carbs : protein : fat) is 5 : 18 : 77
For recommended snacks and extras, see this list at the end of the diet plan.

Day 9


2 Week Vegetarian Keto Diet Plan

All-Day Vegetarian Keto Breakfast: 1 large fried egg, 1/2 medium avocado (75 g / 2.6 oz), 1 oz / 30 g cheddar cheese, 1 cup white or brown mushrooms (70 g / 2.5 oz), 1/2 cup cooked spinach (90 g / 3.2 oz), 1/3 cup sauerkraut (50 g / 1.7 oz) - you can make your own, 2 tbsp ghee, salt and pepper to taste.

To prepare the meal, I simply cook the spinach and mushrooms in 1 tbsp ghee and the egg in the remaining ghee, season with salt and pepper to taste and serve with sliced cheese, avocado and drained sauerkraut.

Total carbs: 15.7 g, Fiber: 9 g, Net carbs: 6.7 g, Protein: 19.8 g, Fat: 55.5 g, Calories: 623 kcal, Magnesium: 128 mg (32 % RDA), Potassium: 1305 mg (65 % EMR)


2 Week Vegetarian Keto Diet Plan

Quick Keto McMuffin (recipe is here)

Total carbs: 9.4 g, Fiber: 6.5 g, Net carbs: 2.9 g, Protein: 26.5 g, Fat: 54.6 g, Calories: 626 kcal, Magnesium: 130 mg (33 % RDA), Potassium: 405 mg (20 % EMR)


2 Week Vegetarian Keto Diet Plan

Cheesy Low-carb "Risotto" (recipe is here)

Total carbs: 11.6 g, Fiber: 4 g, Net carbs: 7.6 g, Protein: 17.4 g, Fat: 28.8 g, Calories: 366 kcal, Magnesium: 48 mg (12 % RDA), Potassium: 682 mg (34 % EMR)

Total daily values: Total carbs: 36.7 g, Fiber: 19.5 g, Net carbs: 17.2 g, Protein: 63.6 g, Fat: 138 g, Calories: 1616 kcal, Magnesium: 306 mg (77 % RDA), Potassium: 2393 mg (119 % EMR), Keto ratio (carbs : protein : fat) is 4 : 16 : 79
For recommended snacks and extras, see this list at the end of the diet plan.

Day 10


2 Week Vegetarian Keto Diet Plan

Perfect Spinach & Feta Omelet (recipe is here)

Total carbs: 9.7 g, Fiber: 2.8 g, Net carbs: 7 g, Protein: 30.9 g, Fat: 55.5 g, Calories: 659 kcal, Magnesium: 107 mg (27 % RDA), Potassium: 997 mg (50 % EMR)


2 Week Vegetarian Keto Diet Plan

Cheesy Low-carb "Risotto" (recipe is here)

Total carbs: 11.6 g, Fiber: 4 g, Net carbs: 7.6 g, Protein: 17.4 g, Fat: 28.8 g, Calories: 366 kcal, Magnesium: 48 mg (12 % RDA), Potassium: 682 mg (34 % EMR)


2 Week Vegetarian Keto Diet Plan

All-Day Vegetarian Keto Breakfast: 1 large fried egg, 1/2 medium avocado (75 g / 2.6 oz), 1 oz / 30 g cheddar cheese, 1 cup white or brown mushrooms (70 g / 2.5 oz), 1/2 cup cooked spinach (90 g / 3.2 oz), 1/3 cup sauerkraut (50 g / 1.7 oz) - you can make your own, 2 tbsp ghee, salt and pepper to taste.

To prepare the meal, I simply cook the spinach and mushrooms in 1 tbsp ghee and the egg in the remaining ghee, season with salt and pepper to taste and serve with sliced cheese, avocado and drained sauerkraut.

Total carbs: 15.7 g, Fiber: 9 g, Net carbs: 6.7 g, Protein: 19.8 g, Fat: 55.5 g, Calories: 623 kcal, Magnesium: 128 mg (32 % RDA), Potassium: 1305 mg (65 % EMR)

Total daily values: Total carbs: 37 g, Fiber: 15.8 g, Net carbs: 21.2 g, Protein: 68 g, Fat: 139 g, Calories: 1649 kcal, Magnesium: 282 mg (71 % RDA), Potassium: 2985 mg (149 % EMR), Keto ratio (carbs : protein : fat) is 5 : 17 : 78
For recommended snacks and extras, see this list at the end of the diet plan.

Day 11


2 Week Vegetarian Keto Diet Plan

Chocolate Keto Smoothie (recipe is here)

Total carbs: 7.2 g, Fiber: 2.7 g, Net carbs: 4.4 g, Protein: 34.5 g, Fat: 46 g, Calories: 570 kcal, Magnesium: 45 mg (11 % RDA), Potassium: 560 mg (28 % EMR)


2 Week Vegetarian Keto Diet Plan

Authentic Greek Salad (recipe is here)

Total carbs: 11.3 g, Fiber: 3.3 g, Net carbs: 8 g, Protein: 9.3 g, Fat: 27.8 g, Calories: 323 kcal, Magnesium: 37 mg (9 % RDA), Potassium: 454 mg (23 % EMR)

serve with 1 Keto Bun

Total carbs: 12.4 g, Fiber: 8.1 g, Net carbs: 4.2 g, Protein: 10.1 g, Fat: 15.2 g, Calories: 208 kcal, Magnesium: 95 mg (24 % RDA), Potassium: 389 mg (20 % EMR)


2 Week Vegetarian Keto Diet Plan

Cheesy Low-carb "Risotto" (recipe is here)

Total carbs: 11.6 g, Fiber: 4 g, Net carbs: 7.6 g, Protein: 17.4 g, Fat: 28.8 g, Calories: 366 kcal, Magnesium: 48 mg (12 % RDA), Potassium: 682 mg (34 % EMR)

serve with Big Green Salad: 4 cups mixed greens (120 g / 4.2 oz) - lettuce, rocket, spinach, etc. of choice mixed with 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil, 1-2 tbsp lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste.

Total carbs: 4.4 g, Fiber: 1.4 g, Net carbs: 2.9 g, Protein: 1.7 g, Fat: 13.8 g, Calories: 140 kcal, Magnesium: 18 mg (5 % RDA), Potassium: 316 mg (16 % EMR)

Total daily values: Total carbs: 45.8 g, Fiber: 18.7 g, Net carbs: 27.2 g, Protein: 73 g, Fat: 131 g, Calories: 1609 kcal, Magnesium: 242 mg (61 % RDA), Potassium: 2402 mg (120 % EMR), Keto ratio (carbs : protein : fat) is 7 : 18 : 75
For recommended snacks and extras, see this list at the end of the diet plan.

Day 12


2 Week Vegetarian Keto Diet Plan

All-Day Vegetarian Keto Breakfast: 1 large fried egg, 1/2 medium avocado (75 g / 2.6 oz), 1 oz / 30 g cheddar cheese, 1 cup white or brown mushrooms (70 g / 2.5 oz), 1/2 cup cooked spinach (90 g / 3.2 oz), 1/3 cup sauerkraut (50 g / 1.7 oz) - you can make your own, 2 tbsp ghee, salt and pepper to taste.

To prepare the meal, I simply cook the spinach and mushrooms in 1 tbsp ghee and the egg in the remaining ghee, season with salt and pepper to taste and serve with sliced cheese, avocado and drained sauerkraut.

Total carbs: 15.7 g, Fiber: 9 g, Net carbs: 6.7 g, Protein: 19.8 g, Fat: 55.5 g, Calories: 623 kcal, Magnesium: 128 mg (32 % RDA), Potassium: 1305 mg (65 % EMR)


2 Week Vegetarian Keto Diet Plan

Vegetarian Keto Lasagna (recipe is here)

Total carbs: 14.1 g, Fiber: 5.4 g, Net carbs: 8.7 g, Protein: 20.8 g, Fat: 38 g, Calories: 474 kcal, Magnesium: 81 mg (20 % RDA), Potassium: 752 mg (38 % EMR)

serve with Big Green Salad: 4 cups mixed greens (120 g / 4.2 oz) - lettuce, rocket, spinach, etc. of choice mixed with 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil, 1-2 tbsp lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste.

Total carbs: 4.4 g, Fiber: 1.4 g, Net carbs: 2.9 g, Protein: 1.7 g, Fat: 13.8 g, Calories: 140 kcal, Magnesium: 18 mg (5 % RDA), Potassium: 316 mg (16 % EMR)


2 Week Vegetarian Keto Diet Plan

Quick Keto McMuffin (recipe is here)

Total carbs: 9.4 g, Fiber: 6.5 g, Net carbs: 2.9 g, Protein: 26.5 g, Fat: 54.6 g, Calories: 626 kcal, Magnesium: 130 mg (33 % RDA), Potassium: 405 mg (20 % EMR)

Total daily values: Total carbs: 47.8 g, Fiber: 23.4 g, Net carbs: 24.3 g, Protein: 59.2 g, Fat: 143 g, Calories: 1674 kcal, Magnesium: 286 mg (72 % RDA), Potassium: 3250 mg (162 % EMR), Keto ratio (carbs : protein : fat) is 6 : 15 : 79
For recommended snacks and extras, see this list at the end of the diet plan.

Day 13


2 Week Vegetarian Keto Diet Plan

Quick Frittata with Tomatoes and Cheese (recipe is here)

Total carbs: 7.4 g, Fiber: 1.2 g, Net carbs: 6.2 g, Protein: 26.7 g, Fat: 32.6 g, Calories: 435 kcal, Magnesium: 32 mg (8 % RDA), Potassium: 414 mg (21 % EMR)


2 Week Vegetarian Keto Diet Plan

Vegetarian Keto Lasagna (recipe is here)

Total carbs: 14.1 g, Fiber: 5.4 g, Net carbs: 8.7 g, Protein: 20.8 g, Fat: 38 g, Calories: 474 kcal, Magnesium: 81 mg (20 % RDA), Potassium: 752 mg (38 % EMR)


2 Week Vegetarian Keto Diet Plan

Easy Avocado & Egg Salad (recipe is here)

Total carbs: 13.7 g, Fiber: 7.6 g, Net carbs: 6.1 g, Protein: 17 g, Fat: 36.3 g, Calories: 436 kcal, Magnesium: 60 mg (15 % RDA), Potassium: 875 mg (44 % EMR)

Total daily values: Total carbs: 30.9 g, Fiber: 13.1 g, Net carbs: 17.8 g, Protein: 74 g, Fat: 125 g, Calories: 1536 kcal, Magnesium: 243 mg (61 % RDA), Potassium: 1571 mg (79 % EMR), Keto ratio (carbs : protein : fat) is 5 : 20 : 75
For recommended snacks and extras, see this list at the end of the diet plan.

Day 14


2 Week Vegetarian Keto Diet Plan

Quick Frittata with Tomatoes and Cheese (recipe is here)

Total carbs: 7.4 g, Fiber: 1.2 g, Net carbs: 6.2 g, Protein: 26.7 g, Fat: 32.6 g, Calories: 435 kcal, Magnesium: 32 mg (8 % RDA), Potassium: 414 mg (21 % EMR)


2 Week Vegetarian Keto Diet Plan

Quick Keto McMuffin (recipe is here)

Total carbs: 9.4 g, Fiber: 6.5 g, Net carbs: 2.9 g, Protein: 26.5 g, Fat: 54.6 g, Calories: 626 kcal, Magnesium: 130 mg (33 % RDA), Potassium: 405 mg (20 % EMR)


2 Week Vegetarian Keto Diet Plan

Vegetarian Keto Lasagna (recipe is here)

Total carbs: 14.1 g, Fiber: 5.4 g, Net carbs: 8.7 g, Protein: 20.8 g, Fat: 38 g, Calories: 474 kcal, Magnesium: 81 mg (20 % RDA), Potassium: 752 mg (38 % EMR)

serve with Big Green Salad: 4 cups mixed greens (120 g / 4.2 oz) - lettuce, rocket, spinach, etc. of choice mixed with 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil, 1-2 tbsp lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste.

Total carbs: 4.4 g, Fiber: 1.4 g, Net carbs: 2.9 g, Protein: 1.7 g, Fat: 13.8 g, Calories: 140 kcal, Magnesium: 18 mg (5 % RDA), Potassium: 316 mg (16 % EMR)

Total daily values: Total carbs: 35.2 g, Fiber: 14.5 g, Net carbs: 20.8 g, Protein: 75.6 g, Fat: 139 g, Calories: 1676 kcal, Magnesium: 261 mg (65 % RDA), Potassium: 1887 mg (94 % EMR), Keto ratio (carbs : protein : fat) is 6 : 18 : 75
For recommended snacks and extras, see this list at the end of the diet plan.

Recipe Substitutions

If you don't like certain ingredients or are intolerant to certain foods, here are options you can try:

Using these alternatives won't significantly change the nutrition facts. However, keep in mind that the shopping list is created without using any substitutions.

Healthy Low-carb Snacks and Extras

  • if the portion size of some of the meals is too small, add a bowl of Big Green Salad: 4 cups mixed greens (120 g / 4.2 oz) - lettuce, rocket, spinach, etc. of choice mixed with 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil or mayo, 1-2 tbsp lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste.
  • 1/2 avocado with pink Himalayan salt
  • 1 hard-boiled egg with with pink Himalayan salt (always have some in the fridge)
  • 1 piece of any fat bombs from my blog
  • Coffee with cream, coconut milk or almond milk or [Low-Carb Cappuccino](/Blog/post/2013/03/23/Time-for-Coffee-Low-Carb-Cappuccino-(Dairy-free))
  • 1 cup vegetable stock, best home-made
  • Veggie, egg & cheese roll-ups
  • 2-3 celery sticks with 2 tbsp Almond & Cashew Butter or any other nut butter (avoid peanut butter)
  • Fermented foods: sauerkraut (recipe is here), kimchi (add to your breakfast), small amounts of kombucha (beware of carbs)
  • Nuts and seeds, handful, raw or roasted with sea salt (net carbs per serving (1 oz): almonds - 2.7 g, pecans - 1.2 g, walnuts - 2 g, macadamias - 1.5 g, hazelnuts - 2 g, brazil nuts - 1.4 g, pine nuts - 2.7 g, sunflower seeds - 3.2 g, pumpkin seeds - 1.3 g) - soaking nuts is highly recommended, I've written more about soaking nuts here
  • Berries, fresh or frozen (net carbs per serving: 1/2 cup blackberries - 3.1 g, 1/2 cup raspberries - 3.3 g, 1/2 cup strawberries - 4.1 g or 1/4 cup blueberries - 4.5 g)
  • Coconut oil (pour a tablespoon of coconut oil into silicon ice trays and keep in the fridge for a quick fat-burning snack)

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Martina Slajerova
Creator of

Martina Slajerova

I changed the way I ate in 2011, when I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, an autoimmune disease that affects the thyroid. I had no energy, and I found it more and more difficult to maintain a healthy weight.

That’s when I decided to quit sugar, grains, and processed foods, and to start following a whole-foods-based ketogenic approach to food.

About the Reviewer

This article has been reviewed by Franziska Spritzler, RD, CDE who is a qualified expert. At KetoDiet we work with a team of health professionals to ensure accurate and up-to-date information. You can find out more on the About us page.

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Comments (118)

Hello!  Thanks for making all of this information available, I appreciate it.  I have been researching veggie keto and have started shifting my diet closer to it as I learn and acquire the proper foods.  I've been writing everything down and tallying the macros (I'm looking to get a cell phone so I can use your app), I am getting close to my target macros but have been finding it especially hard to get close to the right calorie intake (around 2,200 according to your calculator).  I feel stuffed, if not a bit bloated, at around 1,500 a day.  Maybe I am just bot used to eating such high volume, and I will get used to it?   In anther reply you said you can increase portions, but it seems if I do so I would be exceeding the carb limit.  How can I raise one without the other?  Thanks in advance for any info you can share.

Hi Paul, the easiest way would be to create a custom diet plan in our app. We have improved our app a lot since this diet plan was posted and users can now create their own custom diet plans: (Please note that this is iOS only but we are doing our best to bring it to Android very soon)

I just found this and am so excited.  I eat fish but otherwise find it difficult to get enough protein while doing keto (3 weeks/month). I don’t want to eat fish more than a few times per week. I love eggs, nuts & avocados.  I’m glad you found success and are sharing it with others!

Thank you for your kind words, Marla!

This is NOT vegetarian at all.  You have eggs all through this plan.  The name of this really should be changed, IMHO!

As Albert Einstein said "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe"... just do a quick google search for "what is the difference between vegetarian and vegan diets" 🤦‍♀️ Eggs are part of a vegetarian diet and so is dairy!

Not sure what your point is. You are totally wrong.

Lol vegetarians eat eggs and cheese. Vegans do not.

It’s ovo-lacto vegetarian.  She never claimed it was vegan.

Hello Martina!
Can you prepare the chocolate/vanilla smoothie the night before and put it in the fridge over the night and take it the morning after? Will this effect the nutritions? Is it ok to go with the the chocolate smoothie every morning for 2 weeks? I don't feel like to do the vanilla one.
Thank you so much for this diet plan!

Hi Nancy, yes you can do that, the night before is not too long. You will just need to shake it before drinking. If you don't mind having the same one it's totally fine! 😊

Is there a time gap that I need to maintain in between my meals e.g. time gap between breakfast, lunch and dinner)?

I think that the best time gap is the one you don't feel hungry at - that means you should eat when you are hungry. Whether it means eating twice and having 2 meals at once - or eating 3 times, that is totally up to you and your individual needs.

I read the 2 week plan and my family could not survive on such a minute amount of food.  My husband would not be happy if I gave him an avocado and that was his entire lunch.  Unless I am missing something.  I am very interested in the idea of vegetarian keto but we need a normal amount of food.  

Toy can definitely increase the serving sizes if that's for your husband. this meal plan is more suited for a woman, sedentary to moderately active. Here's a tool that will give you an idea of how much he/you should be eating: KetoDiet Buddy - Easy Macro Calculator for the Ketogenic Diet

Thank you so much for this two week vegetarian meal plan! I just downloaded the app as well but despite reading all the ways to add these meals into the app, I can’t seem to figure it out. There is no “blog section” on the app that I can find...Help!

Hi Dana, this is one of the 3 free diet plans I shared on my blog (more info and free ebooks here: Although the diet plans themselves are not in our app, the meals used to create these can all be found on my blog and in the App.
First, make sure you are using our app - there are many "keto apps" and using the same name and confusing users. Our app is this one:
As you can see we have 2 apps - KetoDiet and KetoDiet Basic. )you can see the difference here: (see comparison table).
To add any meals I share on my blog you can use either of these ways:
1) Go to Custom Meals section, tap on the search bar and search for the name of the recipe, e.g. "egg muffins". All recipes from the blog will have ""(KetoDiet blog)" in their name. You will also be able to recognise them based on the thumbnails (images). You can then add this meal to your Planner.
2) Another way is to go to the KetoDiet Blog section and search for the recipe (same way as in the Custom Meal section). You can then tap in the recipe you want to add (the plus icon on top right in iOS).
We are definitely planning to add diet plans directly to the app so our users can add them with a single tap, and we will do so as soon as we can (we have an extensive to-do list).
I hope this helps - keto on!

Oh my goodness, thank you SO much for this post! I used to be a vegan, and I never feel great about eating meat. I've been keto for almost 10 months and rather sickened by the the amount of meat I've eaten just because it's easier. This is exactly what I need to purge the meat and keep going with the keto lifestyle I love so much!

Thank you for your kind words, Kelly!

Hello. I have a question. I am breastfeeding mom of a 21month boy. He has feeding issues, so I breastfeed about 15 times per day still. This diet is ok for me? Thanks!

I'm sorry Fernanda but I can't give medical advice. Please, make sure to discuss any dietary changes with your doctor.

Due to other health challenges I have, I can't eat more than one egg a day.
This vegetarian meal plan relies heavily on eating eggs at more than one meal a day.
Do you have any alternatives?
Thank you

Hi MJ, I'm sorry, I don't have an alternative that is egg-free. But you could build your own plan. You can filter through our recipes by excluding foods you can't eat: Recipes
I hope this helps!

"Do not underestimate the importance of sufficient protein - it's as important as your carb intake."
Thank you very much for this diet plan. I am puzzled by your comment regarding the importance of carb intake.  Of the only possible three types of food available; protein, carbs, and fat, only two are essential. You can live perfectly well with no carbs at all.

Thank you Jim!

I am brand new to this concept! I just downloaded the app and transferred the vegetarian 2-week plan into my app settings. (Great app btw!). I noticed that the net carbs are really low. For example, day one is 10.3 for the day. I set a goal of ~20 based on what I am learning from app. Should I be concerned? I meet the calories for the day by not the protein or net carb goal.  Hope I am making sense!

Thank you Gigi! As long as it works for you, you can eat even 10 grams of net carbs - Carbs are a limit, not a target so it's ok to be below the limit. You can always add a big bowl of green salad (or salad of choice). I hope this helps!

I hate raw tomatoes. Is There a good substitute for them.

If it's in salads then you can use cucumber or bell peppers?

Hi. We don't get the best avocados around where I live. Is there a substitute for that? Thanks!

I think that in some recipes you can substitute it with full-fat cheese or meat but in general, it really depends on the recipe. Nutritionally, macadamia nuts are similar but they would not be suitable for most recipes as a replacement (taste-wise). You could try to build your own plan by excluding avocados (please, use the filtering tool in Recipes). I hope this helps!

For the vegetarian daily meal plans, can you swap?  For example, can any breakfast option be combined with any lunch option and any dinner option?  Or do you have to eat the breakfast, lunch and dinner as they are laid out daily.  I would like to mix and match since I don't like some of the options but I am not sure what that does to the daily totals.

Yes, you can do that! This may affect the nutrition facts but you will be able to see the difference as I listed nutrition facts per each meal - these should not be significant in most cases. I hope this helps!

i’m about a week into this diet & i’m loving it so far, however i really miss having fruit, i would usually eat at least an apple & another fruit a day, how does fruit work with keto? thanks 😊

Hi Chloe, you can still have berries as they are low in cars (in moderation): Complete Keto Diet Food List: What to Eat and Avoid on a Low-Carb Diet

I don't see the 2 week vegetarian book in the e-book section.

It is on there - you just need to scroll down the page. I put a direct link to the section which should help.

Hello Martina,
Thank you for the amazing veg diet plan.
I just started on the diet today.
I did notice that I would eat a many as 6 to 7 whole eggs everyday. Is is it alright to consume the eggs with the yolks. Can I just have the egg whites instead. Kindly recommend.

Hi Supriya, eat the whole eggs, hey are good for you! Here's more about cholesterol: High Cholesterol on a Keto Diet - Should You Be Concerned?

That's a lotta eggs!!

I accessed the blog from the app (on Android) but can't figure out how to add the recipes to the app. Help please!

Hi Dianna, all of the blog recipes can be added directly from the Blog tab in the app (there's a plus icon on top of each recipe). You can also find all blog meals under Custom Meals > KetoDiet blog. You can add them from there as well. I hope this helps!

Thank you very much for posting recipe details and guideline, i have started today, at present 230 pounds weight. i will update if i see any weight loss next two weeks.

What can we replace the egg with? I am a vegetarian (Don't even eat Eggs)

I'm afraid that this diet plan includes eggs that cannot be substituted without completely changing the plan. You can find all egg-free, vegetarian recipes on my blog by using the filtering tool on top: Recipes

I am breastfeeding. Often when breastfeeding women go on diets their milk supply decreases. Do you know if this diet will decrease milk supply?

Hi Kelly, unless you severely restrict your calorie intake (not recommended), you can follow a low-carb diet while breastfeeding.

Do you have a grocery or shopping list i can use for this meal plan? or for the Vegetarian Keto diet? Love this site! thank you so much for this 😊

Hi Angela, yes, the eBook has a shopping list for both weeks. It's free to download here:

Hi Martina, I'm an vegetarian who can afford to eat eggs. I've only recently started keto, but options are limited to eggs and salad. But in your recipes one ends up eating 5-6 eggs per day. While they're one of the few sources for protein and fat necessary for keto, aren't they unhealthy from cholesterol point of view especially since we're eating so many eggs, that too daily?

Hi Amar, recent studies show the exact opposite - eggs are good for you. This is a post I shared a few years ago: The Obesity Epidemic, the Truth about Cholesterol and Saturated Fat For more information, check out this article:

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