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Low-Carb Pesto Egg Muffins

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Low-Carb Pesto Egg MuffinsPin itFollow us 148.4k

Egg muffins are incredibly easy to make and perfect for breakfast or snacking. I used my Basil & Macadamia Pesto to make these muffins but you can also try any of these pesto sauces: Paleo Avocado Pesto and Red Pesto - all take just a few minutes to make and add an amazing flavour boost to your meal!

I used frozen and thawed spinach but you can use fresh spinach and blanch it in boiling water for just a minute. Then, transfer to cold or icy water to cool down and stop cooking. Finally, squeeze out the excess water before using.

Hands-on Overall

Serving size 2 muffins

Allergy information for Low-Carb Pesto Egg Muffins

✔  Gluten free
✔  Nut free
✔  Pork free
✔  Avocado free
✔  Coconut free
✔  Fish free
✔  Shellfish free
✔  Beef free

Nutritional values (per serving, 2 muffins)

Net carbs2.3 grams
Protein13.7 grams
Fat20.4 grams
Calories251 kcal
Calories from carbs 4%, protein 22%, fat 74%
Total carbs3.7 gramsFiber1.4 gramsSugars0.5 gramsSaturated fat7 gramsSodium362 mg(16% RDA)Magnesium38 mg(9% RDA)Potassium279 mg(14% EMR)

Ingredients (makes 10 egg muffins)

  • 2/3 cup frozen spinach, thawed and excess water removed (100 g/ 3.5 oz)
  • 3 tbsp pesto (45 g/ 1.6 oz) - you can make your own pesto
  • 1/2 cup kalamata or other olives, pitted (50 g/ 1.8 oz)
  • 1/4 cup sun-dried tomatoes, chopped (28 g/ 1 oz)
  • 125 g soft goat cheese or feta (4.4 oz)
  • 6 large eggs
  • sea salt and black pepper, to taste


  1. Preheat the oven to 175 °C/ 350 °F (fan assisted), or 195 °C/ 380 °F (conventional). Squeeze out the excess water from the spinach, deseed and slice the olives and chop the sun-dried tomatoes. Crack the eggs into a bowl. Low-Carb Pesto Egg Muffins
  2. Add the pesto and season with salt and pepper to taste. Mix until well combined. Low-Carb Pesto Egg Muffins
  3. Divide the spinach, crumbled goat cheese, sun-dried tomatoes and olives evenly into a medium-large silicon muffin pan. (If using a regular pan, lightly grease with olive oil or ghee.)
  4. Pour in the egg & pesto mixture and transfer into the oven. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until browned on top and cooked inside. Low-Carb Pesto Egg Muffins
  5. When done, remove from the oven and set aside to cool down. Store in the fridge for up to 5 days. Freeze for up to 3 months. Low-Carb Pesto Egg Muffins

Ingredient nutritional breakdown (per serving, 2 muffins)

Net carbsProteinFatCalories
Spinach, frozen
0.3 g0.8 g0.1 g6 kcal
Basil pesto
0.6 g0.3 g5.9 g56 kcal
Kalamata olives
0 g0.2 g2.6 g26 kcal
Goat cheese, fresh (soft)
0 g4.6 g5.3 g66 kcal
Sun-dried tomatoes (in oil, drained)
1 g0.3 g0.8 g12 kcal
Egg, whole, fresh, raw (free-range or organic eggs)
0.4 g7.5 g5.7 g86 kcal
Salt, pink Himalayan rock salt
0 g0 g0 g0 kcal
Pepper, black, spices
0 g0 g0 g0 kcal
Total per serving, 2 muffins
2.3 g13.7 g20.4 g251 kcal

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Martina Slajerova
Creator of

Martina Slajerova

I changed the way I ate in 2011, when I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, an autoimmune disease that affects the thyroid. I had no energy, and I found it more and more difficult to maintain a healthy weight.

That’s when I decided to quit sugar, grains, and processed foods, and to start following a whole-foods-based ketogenic approach to food.

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Comments (34)

I made these in regular muffin tin.  Big mistake!   There is no indication in the recipe that says to grease the tin.  Two days later I am still trying to get it clean.  It is like the egg has welded onto it - like cement.   I've tried scouring it with baking soda, soaking in vinegar and hot water, digging at it with a's simply not budging much.  I may have to throw the tin away.  Also I was not a fan of the taste either.  The broken remnants that I was left with after digging them out were far too rich and oily.  Maybe I'm just not an egg person.

Hi Sheesh, thanks for letting me know! The muffins should not stick as long as you use a non stick muffin tray or a silicon tray like I did (see photos in the recipe steps). I'll add that to clarify. I never had any issues with sticking to the tray so I didn't think of including it but will do just to be safe.
As for the taste it's hard to tell. These shouldn't really taste "oily" as there isn't much fat added apart rom the pesto. Maybe egg muffins are not your thing - you may want to try these instead: Keto Savory Zucchini Muffins

Just tried these for the first time and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE them.  So far, my absolute favorite.
I mix all the ingredients together, though. Since I don't have a microwave to quickly reheat them, I only want to make as many as I need at a time.
Thanks, Martina

Thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoyed!

We love them right at room temperature.

When I make this it and fill it like in your picture it's just barely fitting my medium muffin tin (makes 6) - could my eggs be medium instead of large? The carton says large but I'm having a hard time thinking that's correct if this is meant to make 10 muffins :/

I'm not sure, I could barely fit them. I used a 6-muffin tray (medium muffins) and then made another 4 in another tray. It could be the eggs but I find it hard to believe that they would make such a big difference. Maybe your muffin tin is bigger? Mine is about 1/2 cup per muffin.

What would be a good substitute for the tomatoes?
Cheers 😊

You could just skip them or use more olives or capers. Or maybe sliced red pepper, mushrooms, ...?

My muffins looked great just like the picture and after taking them out of the oven, they deflated and no longer had a "muffin top".
Do you know what went wrong?
They still tasted great though!

I'm not sure why they deflated but the ones I made only had a small muffin top - they they won't raise like sweet muffins. I suppose that the size of the muffin pan may also affect it.

I noticed there are many dishes with eggs ....which is just fine but I am allergic to the YELLOW so making them with  egg white.. should be just fine?!?
thanks .....

Unless you are absolutely sure that you can use the whites, do not use eggs. You can use the filtering tool on my blog to search for all dairy-free recipes: Recipes

Just made these for the first time. They came out perfect and we're absolutely delicious! Thanks for sharing!

Hi was looking at the pesto egg muffins and was wandering what I could use instead of cheese? Thanks

Hi Anthony, you can skip the cheese or use any other toppings: bacon, chorizo, ham, peppers or even sliced zucchini.

Hi Martina,
I'm about to start your vegetarian keto diet plan.  I'm looking forward yo trying these muffins, please can you let me know if they can be frozen.
Thanks for your plan and advice, I've learnt loads already.

Hi Rachel, yes, they freeze well. Thank you for your kind word!

If I freeze them, how do I prepare them to eat after frozen?

I keep them in the fridge overnight or until defrosted and then eat cold or reheat them in the oven 😊

What would be a good substitute for the olives?

You can try capers (careful, these are very salty) or some sliced and butter-roasted mushrooms.

I have started keto diet plan two days ago and feel that my acne increased and will continuing on this diet increase acne further?

I think this is temporary and just a result of the change in your diet. Give it a week or two and make sure you eat enough electrolytes: Keto-Flu and Sufficient Intake of Electrolytes

Awesome!  These recipes have been so helpful on my vegetarian keto journey.  What are the nutritional values without the cheese?  I eat eggs but can't do dairy...

Hi Nicole, without cheese they are: 92 kcal, 1.2 net carbs, 4.5 g protein, 7.6 g fat and 0.7 g fibre. However, if you skip the cheese and want to still make 10 muffins, you may need to use 2 more eggs instead, so in the end, nutrition facts won't be much different 😊

Thanks for the great recipe!  What size muffin tins did you use?  Hard to tell based on photo.  Thank you!!!

The pan is for medium-sized muffins, I'd guess about 1/2 cup 😊

Hi Martina! Cooked these with my mother for the whole family tonight! I've just started embarking on my ketogenic, paleo diet and your recipes are making it so much more tasty and enjoyable. I was curious: how many muffins equal one serving? My mom swears she thinks she read 3 somewhere, but I don't see it (at least on the mobile version of the blog)! Sorry!

Thank you Kathryn! I think she might have seen it in one of my diet plans where I recommend 2-3 per serving: 2 Week Vegetarian Keto Diet Plan
Other than that, nutrition facts listed above are per one muffin 😊

How many calories are in each muffin please? Taste great btw!

Hi Laura, thanks! All nutrition facts are in the table in this post (125 kcal per muffin) 😊

Love the egg muffins from your app! My hubby is a vegetarian so I make them without the bacon just for him. I've made your avocado pesto (yummy!!) and will have to give these try. Thanks for sharing!

Thank you Kelly!